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    Frequently Asked Questions

    1.Free shipping in KingPairs Shop?

    Our products are exported to over 100 countries worldwide. When purchasing from our store, most products are free of shipping, and the shipping fee is mainly related to the shipping address (free in major cities, and may be charged in remote areas). Some products can only be shipped to the same country's shipping address. If your order incurs shipping costs, we will send you an email. Please pay attention to your email. So be sure to leave the correct email and shipping address. If there is no shipping cost, we will arrange the shipment directly. Thank you for placing the order.

    2.Is it safe about the payment security in KingPairs Shop ?

    We use multiple payment methods to ensure the payment security of your shopping. Of course, if you feel there is anything to worry about, you can use PayPal for payment. PayPal has numerous users worldwide, especially in terms of payment security. PayPal does a great job in ensuring the payment security of customers to a large extent.Thank you very much for your trust.

    3.When will the shipment be made?

    After placing an order, normally, your order will be shipped the next day, and some orders will be shipped within 1-3 days. You can see the information on the product page and the estimated time of receiving the package. If it encounters a shortage, our team will send you an email to communicate and negotiate a shipping time with you. Therefore, please ensure to leave the correct email address and follow your email.If you are in a hurry, you can contact us via email or WhatsApp. Thank you for placing the order.

    4.When can I receive my package?

    After we ship the goods,if the shipping and receiving locations belong to the same country, your package can be received in approximately 1-5 days. For example, packages can be received in 2-9 days in the United States and 1-5 days in France, and specific information can be seen on the product page (estimated time of receipt).you can see the logistics information on the corresponding logistics website based on the corresponding logistics number of the order and track it. We will provide the logistics website for our shipment to facilitate your query of logistics information. Therefore, please ensure to leave the correct email address and follow your email.If you need help, you can contact us via email or WhatsApp.If you need help, you can contact email:

    5.Regarding product guarantees?

    Our products are sold with guaranteed quality and are guaranteed. Like all shopping websites, we will provide high-quality services to ensure your shopping safety. If you encounter quality issues, you can contact email: .

    6.My package was damaged after I received it. What should I do?

    Our products are inspected and undamaged before being shipped out of the warehouse. After shipment, there is a possibility of package damage when handed over to the logistics company for transportation. When you sign for the delivery, you can take photos or videos as soon as possible, leave evidence, and send it to us. Then you can check whether the goods inside the package are in good condition. If the product is damaged, please take a photo or video and send it to us. We will refund you. Alternatively, you can request us to resend the shipment. Thank you. Wishing you a pleasant life.

    7.If I place an order, who is responsible for shipping?

    KINGPAIR is responsible for arranging transportation and after-sales service. If you need assistance, you can contact email:

    8.How to purchase goods in large quantities ?

    Of course. If you need to purchase goods in large quantities, you can contact us for an inquiry, and the price will be negotiated separately based on the wholesale price. Feel free to contact email at any time: .

    9.Do I have any coupons for purchasing multiple items?

    We appreciate your trust and support in us. You can contact email: We will send you the corresponding coupon, if any.

    10.KINGPAIRS Disclaimer

    To protect the rights and interests of our customers and KINGPAIR, we will review every order. We will ship orders without any abnormalities as usual. If there is any abnormality in the order, it may be returned and KINGPAIR will not ship it. KINGPAIR is not responsible for this. If there is information indicating that kingpairs and our clients have been attacked by hackers, we will actively protect our and our clients' legitimate rights and interests. Kingpairs is a shopping website that is friendly to global customers and does not participate in any political, racial, or ethnic conflicts. Therefore, please treat Kingpairs kindly, and we will be very grateful! Thank you!

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    Helpful Hint: The Fast Help Service covers the most common customer questions, and it will help you find a better solution. Generally, we will reply to your email within 12 hours.

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